Tuesday 24 November 2009


If you are my type of individual and you're having your more than usual depressive and depressing evening, locked inside, in front of the pc, sipping water cause you quit coke (eventhough you kind of had a glass last Friday... ok and 1 on Sunday but you don't really know me so I don't have to pretend am all cool and brisk) and munching an apple cause you quit cigs (and no, I haven't had any since then), while brainstorming for the nth time with your other selves on how this life sucks and what a victim of the cruel chance you are, then you most likely need a brake from all that gloominess.

This would cheer you up: open browser>youtube>no reservations-saudi arabia in the search box>enter>choose 1 of 5>watch>then chose the following parts>enjoy. I did. Not your average Saudi Arabia presentation.

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