Wednesday 23 December 2009

Bow down, mister!

Have you watched the Slumdog Millionaire movie? I did some time ago, and I just loved it. Dave Patel is so genuine in Jamal's skin that he's...he's perfect. I cannot imagine anyone being capable of replacing and doing a better job than him. However, this post is not dedicated to dear Dave, though maybe I should have one since am THAT fond of him; or better said of him as Jamal; Soooooooo, going back to the movie, there is this interesting thing that happened. A lot of people I know and that had watched The curious case of Benjamin Button, refused to watch the Slumdog; in their opinion, (not a humble one in my humble one) Benjamin was so good and deserved the O statue so badly that they simply couldn't accept any other movie being capable of raising to its standards; as Slumdog went home with an army of Wowscars, people revolted and decided they want revenge. May a slumdog stay where it belongs: in the slum. Now, I haven't seen Benjy, hence I cannot debate over this and that. But one thing is sure: am glad I saw this one before the other one because maybe I would have had the same reaction as they did (neaaaaaaah).
As a curious cat that I am (meooooowwww) I absolutely needed to read the book that inspired it. Need I say I love it? Not sure yet if I love it more than the movie (I have yet to finish it, but am close) and it doesn't even matter. The delight is there to stay. Dave Patel too. And Boy George (what do you mean who's Boy  George????? ... you .... ahhhhhh, this new generation! so full of Tokyo Hotel). First he (not the Tokyo Hotel! Boy George, for heaven's!) was small, so small that I was not sure what is he doing there. But then, as I went on with the novel, he grew louder, he grew stronger. He is so there now, that if I just glance an eye at the book, or touch it by mistake, he goes:

Of course I heart Jai Ho. But aaja, aaja stays with the movie, while hare Rama, hare Krishna stays with the book.  Wonderful. I recommend them all. If you're like me, of course. If you don't know me, read my description in the upper, right corner. If and when I bother to put it.

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